Subordinating Conjunction of Time

Learn how to use the subordinating conjunction of time in English.
Sound Grammar

Subordinating Conjunction of Time

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Subordinating Conjunctions of Time

Point 1: Subordinating conjunctions of time show how clauses relate according to time.
  1. The meeting started before we got there.
  2. He left by the time we arrived.
  3. Call me when you get home.
  4. I will call you after I finish.
Point 2: Before and by the time precede an action.
  1. I wake up before the sun rises.
  2. She does yoga before she goes to work.
  3. My boss is in the office by the time I get there.
  4. I should be there by the time you arrive.
Point 3: When, as soon as, once, and until coincide with an action.
  1. I feel sad when it rains.
  2. She calls me as soon as she gets home.
  3. Flip the pancake once it starts to bubble.
  4. Please stay here until I call you.
Point 4: After follows an action. As soon as and right after or just after can mean the same thing.
  1. I called her after I got home.
  2. I saw him as soon as the meeting ended.
  3. I saw him right after the meeting ended.
  4. I saw him just after the meeting ended.
Answer the following questions about the interview.

About the Teacher

My name is Todd Beuckens and I am an ESL teacher in Thailand. I created this site to provide teachers and students free audio lessons and learning materials not usually found in commercial textbooks.

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