Modals of Obligation

Learn how to use modals of obligation in English.
Sound Grammar

Modals of Obligation

Hear four conversations using this grammar point for free on

Need to / Have to / Must

need to - shows an action is important and necessary.

  1. (Q) What do we need to bring?
    (A) You need to have a swimsuit.
    (N) You don’t need to wear a cap.
  2. (Q) Do we need to show ID?
    (A) Yes, you do.
    (N) No, you don’t.

have to- shows an action is important and necessary.

  1. (Q) What do you have to do?
    (A) I have to clean my rooms.
    (N) I don’t have to finish today.
  2. (Q) Do you have to go?
    (A) Yes, I have to. / Yes, I do.
    (N) No, I don’t (have to)

not have to - shows an action is not necessary

  1. You don’t have to come.
  2. You don’t have to read that.
  3. You don’t have to help

must - shows an action is important and necessary.

  • (Q) What must we do?
  • (A) You must try harder,
  • (N) You mustn’t do that again.

must not - shows an action is forbidden or should not be done.

  1. You mustn’t be late.
  2. You mustn’t make say that!
  3. You mustn’t trust him!
Answer the following questions about the interview.

About the Teacher

My name is Todd Beuckens and I am an ESL teacher in Thailand. I created this site to provide teachers and students free audio lessons and learning materials not usually found in commercial textbooks.

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