Modals of Obligation
Learn how to use modals of obligation in English.
Need to / Have to / Must
need to - shows an action is important and necessary.
- (Q) What do we need to bring?
(A) You need to have a swimsuit.
(N) You don’t need to wear a cap.
- (Q) Do we need to show ID?
(A) Yes, you do.
(N) No, you don’t.
have to- shows an action is important and necessary.
- (Q) What do you have to do?
(A) I have to clean my rooms.
(N) I don’t have to finish today. - (Q) Do you have to go?
(A) Yes, I have to. / Yes, I do.
(N) No, I don’t (have to)
not have to - shows an action is not necessary
- You don’t have to come.
- You don’t have to read that.
- You don’t have to help
must - shows an action is important and necessary.
- (Q) What must we do?
- (A) You must try harder,
- (N) You mustn’t do that again.
must not - shows an action is forbidden or should not be done.
- You mustn’t be late.
- You mustn’t make say that!
- You mustn’t trust him!
Answer the following questions about the interview.
About the Teacher
My name is Todd Beuckens and I am an ESL teacher in Thailand. I created this site to provide teachers and students free audio lessons and learning materials not usually found in commercial textbooks.