Present Perfect for Experiences
Learn how to use the present perfect about experiences in English.
Present Perfect for Experiences
Hear four conversations using this grammar point for free on
Present Perfect for Experiences
Point 1: Use the present perfect to talk about experiences.
- Where have you worked?
- I’ve worked for many companies.
- I haven’t worked for him.
- Have you been to Europe?
- Yes, I have been to Spain.
- No, I haven’t had the time or money.
Point 2: Use the particle 'yet' in questions to ask if an action occured.
- Have you seen the movie yet?
- Yes, I have seen it.
- No, I have not seen it yet.
- Have you finished yet?
- Yes, I am done.
- Not yet.
Point 3: Use 'already' in affirmative statements. It can go before or after the verb. Also, the answer can use the past tense.
- Have you eaten yet?
- Yes, I've eaten already.
- Yes, I've already eaten.
- Have you called her?
- Yes, I called her already.
- Yes, I already called her.
Point 4: Contractions are commonly used in the present perfect.
- I have eaten. = I’ve eaten.
- I have not eaten. = I haven't eaten yet.
- You have won. = You’ve won.
- You have not won yet. = You haven't won yet.
- She has left. = She’s left.
- She has not left yet. = She hasn't left yet.
- He has finished = He’s finished.
- He has not finished yet. = He hasn't finished yet.
- It has stopped. = It’s stopped.
- It has not stopped yet. = It hasn't stopped yet.
- They have quit. = They’ve quit.
- They have not quit yet. = They haven't quit yet.
- We have won. = We’ve won.
- We have not won yet. = We haven't won yet.
Answer the following questions about the interview.
About the Teacher
My name is Todd Beuckens and I am an ESL teacher in Thailand. I created this site to provide teachers and students free audio lessons and learning materials not usually found in commercial textbooks.