Should for Sugguestions

Learn how to use the modal should and other phrases in English to make suggestions.
Should for Suggestions

Should for Sugguestions

Hear four conversations using this grammar point for free on

Giving Suggestions

Notice how speakers can use should, would and some phrases to give advice or suggestions.

Point 1: Use should to offer suggestions.
Should / Shouldn’t
  1. (Q) What should I eat?
    (A) You should try the fish.
    (N) You shouldn’t eat the salad.
  2. (Q) Should I where this coat?
    (A) Yes, you should. It looks good on you.
    (N) No, you shouldn’t. It is hot today.
Point 2: Use would in the first persong to offer suggestions.
Would / Wouldn’t
  1. (Q) What would you do?
    (A) I would go to the park.
    (N) I wouldn’t take the bus.
  2. (Q) Would you wear this?
    (A) Yes, I would.
    (N) No, I wouldn’t.
Point 3: Use if-clauses to offer suggestions.
If you ---- , -----
  1. If you have time, visit the museum.
  2. If you like fish, try the sushi.
  3. If you can afford it, stay at the Ritz.
Point 4: Use verbs in the imperative form to offer suggestions.
  1. Check out the mall downtown.
  2. Be sure to wear warm clothes.
  3. Don’t talk to strangers.
  4. Don’t pay more than 20 dollars for it.
Answer the following questions about the interview.

About the Teacher

My name is Todd Beuckens and I am an ESL teacher in Thailand. I created this site to provide teachers and students free audio lessons and learning materials not usually found in commercial textbooks.

Contact me here.