Used To for Past Tense

Learn how to use the use to in English to talk about things in the past.
Used To for Past Tense

Used To for Past Tense

Hear four conversations using this grammar point for free on

Used to + base verb

Use the modal used to when talking about past events that no longer occur.

Point 1: We often use used to when asked about present activities.
  1. (Q) Do you play golf?
    (A) I used to play but not anymore. I don't have time.
  2. (Q) Do you play any instruments?
    (A) Not really. I used to play the guitar but not anymore.
Point 2: We often use used to when asked about present activities. We often use the phrase not anymore to clarify that the action does not happen presently.
  1. (Q) Do you cook much?
    (A) Not anymore. I used to though.
  2. (Q) Do you see your friend from school?
    (A) Not really. We used to meet once a week but now we are too busy with life.
Point 3: We often use used to when asked about present activities. In a Yes/No question, we can omit the verb and reply by with just used to followed by but and a reason.
  1. (Q) Do you study French?
    (A) I used to but I gave up.
  2. (Q) Do you you and your family travel much?
    (A) We used to but now we don't have time.
Answer the following questions about the interview.

About the Teacher

My name is Todd Beuckens and I am an ESL teacher in Thailand. I created this site to provide teachers and students free audio lessons and learning materials not usually found in commercial textbooks.

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