Pronoun Agreement for Things

Learn how to use the indefinite and definite pronouns in English.
Sound Grammar

Pronoun Agreement for Things

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Pronoun Agreement for Things

One vs. It / Some vs. They, Them

Point 1: We often use ‘one’ and ‘some’ as object pronouns the first time we refer to something.
  • Do you want a coffee?
  • I would love one. / I would love a coffee.
  • Would you like some cookies?
  • I would love some. / I would love some cookies.
Point 2: After speakers use 'one' as the pronoun, they switch to the pronoun 'it' for all future references.
  • Would you like a cookie?
  • I would love one.
  • How is it?
  • It is so delicious.
Point 3: After speakers use 'some' as the pronoun, they switch to the pronoun 'they' or 'them' for all future references.
  • Would you like some grapes?
  • I would love some.
  • How are they? Do you like them?
  • I love them. They taste great.
Point 4: Both 'one' and 'some' can be the subject pronoun or the object pronoun.
  1. Do you have a TV?
  2. Yes, I have two. One is in the kitchen and one is in my room.
  3. Do you have any pens?
  4. Yes, some are in my desk. Some are better than others.
Answer the following questions about the interview.

About the Teacher

My name is Todd Beuckens and I am an ESL teacher in Thailand. I created this site to provide teachers and students free audio lessons and learning materials not usually found in commercial textbooks.

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