Also, And, Too, As Well

Learn how to use the simple words to show similar situations in English.
Sound Grammar

Also, And, Too, As Well

Hear four conversations using this grammar point for free on

Grammar Focus

You can use the following words to add additional information.


  1. I have a car.
    1. I have a car, too.
    2. I, too, have a car
  2. I like to play tennis.
    1. She likes to play tennis, too.
    2. She, too, likes to play tennis.


  1. I have a dog.
    1. She also has a dog.
    2. She has a dog also.
  2. He works in the city.
    1. She works in the city also.
    2. She also works in the city.

as well

  1. They have a cat
    1. We have a cat as well.
  2. I take the bus to work.
    1. He takes the bus to work as well.

So ---

  • I drive a small car.
    • So do I.
    • So does she.
    • So do they.
  • She is a doctor.
    • So is Jim.
    • So am I.
    • So are they.
Answer the following questions about the interview.

About the Teacher

My name is Todd Beuckens and I am an ESL teacher in Thailand. I created this site to provide teachers and students free audio lessons and learning materials not usually found in commercial textbooks.

Contact me here.