May / Might
Modals of Probability
(Q) Where will you go for vacation?
(A) I will go to Spain.
(N) I won’t go to Madrid, though.
(Q) Will you go to Barcelona?
(A) I will surely go there.
(N) I won’t have time.
(Q) Where will you go for vacation?
(A) I might go to France.
(N) I might not, though.
(Q) Will you see Sue in Paris?
(A) I might.
(N) I might not.
(Q) What will you do tonight?
(A) I may just stay home.
(N) I may not do anything.
(Q) Will you be home tomorrow?
(A) I may.
(N) I may not.
(Q) What will you have for dinner?
(A) I’ll probably have chicken.
(N) I probably won’t eat.
(Q) Will you have time to see me?
(A) I probably will.
(N) I probably won’t.
About the Teacher
My name is Todd Beuckens and I am an ESL teacher in Thailand. I created this site to provide teachers and students free audio lessons and learning materials not usually found in commercial textbooks.