Adjectives with Adverbs of Degree

Learn how to use the adjectives in English.
Sound Grammar

Adjectives and Adverbs of Degree

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Use adjectives to show the quality of something.

Point 1: Adjectives are often used after a be verb to describe the subject.
  1. He is funny.
  2. It is hot today.
  3. My house is old.
  4. You are so nice!
Point 2: The be verb can change tenses, and the adjective does not change form.
  1. He was happy.
  2. It will be hot tomorrow.
  3. My house was old and cold.
  4. You can be nice at times.
Point 3: We sometimes add very and really to show greater intensity of a trait.
  1. Tokyo is really crowded.
  2. Rome is very old.
  3. She is really nice.
  4. He is very strict.
Point 4: Adjectives can also describe a noun. If the noun has a determiner or quantifier, it goes between them and the noun.
  1. Russia is a big country.
  2. She is a nice lady.
  3. It was a difficult test.
  4. I bought some really nice shoes.
Answer the following questions about the interview.

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My name is Todd Beuckens and I am an ESL teacher in Thailand. I created this site to provide teachers and students free audio lessons and learning materials not usually found in commercial textbooks.

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