Present Continuous
Learn how to use the present continuous in English.
Present Continuous
Point 1:
We use the present continuous for actions that
start and finish within a time frame. We often
say the action is happening now.
- What are you doing?
- I'm calling my friend. (The action will stop soon.)
- What are you watching on TV?
- I'm watching a documentary about the Olympics.
Point 2:
We use the present simple tense for an action
that is repeating or ongoing. We use the present
continuous if the action will end at some time.
- I live in New York.
- I'm living in New York at the moment. (I'll move one day.)
- I work a lot.
- I'm working a lot these days. (I will work less soon.)
Point 3:
In fast spoken English, the be verbs are
contracted and the /g/ in the /-ing/ is omitted.
- I am having a good time.
- I'm havin' a good time.
- She is making a big mistake.
- She's makin' a big mistake.
- He is not coming to the party.
- He isn't comin' to the party.
Point 4:
We often use the present continuous for plans in
the future, especially if the action is known or
anticipated by other people.
- Are you coming to the party tomorrow night?
- Yes, but I'm working tomorrow, so I might be late.
- Is anyone coming with you?
- Yes, I'm bringing my friend.
Answer the following questions about the interview.
About the Teacher
My name is Todd Beuckens and I am an ESL teacher in Thailand. I created this site to provide teachers and students free audio lessons and learning materials not usually found in commercial textbooks.