
Learn how to use prepositions, such as these common words: in, at, on, by, near.
Sound Grammar


Hear four conversations using this grammar point for free on


Part 1: Prepostions go before a noun (and determiner).
  1. She is in a meeting.
  2. They drove to the store.
  3. I live by a lake.
  4. We have class at eight.
Part 2: Prepositions show the location of an object.
  1. The cat is by the door.
  2. There is snow on the moutain.
  3. There is a running track around the soccer field.
  4. My shoes are under the bed.
Part 3: Prepositions can also be adverbs after a verb. We call these phrasal verbs. The meaning can bedifferent than the meaning of the preposition.
  1. I woke up late.
  2. Please turn on the radio.
  3. Don't give up.
  4. Please take off your shoes in the house.
Part 4: Prespositions are harder to hear in spoken English because they are reduced and often blend with the word before it.

He's in a meeting
Hez-zin-na meeing.

She's out of the room at the moment
Sheez-zout-dov the room-mat the moment.

Answer the following questions about the interview.

About the Teacher

My name is Todd Beuckens and I am an ESL teacher in Thailand. I created this site to provide teachers and students free audio lessons and learning materials not usually found in commercial textbooks.

Contact me here.