
Learn how to use adjectives in English to say basic sentences.
Sound Grammar


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Adjectives are words that describe things.

Point 1: Adjectives can go after be verbs.
  1. My class is fun.
  2. My teacher is nice.
  3. Math is interesting.
Point 2: Adjectives can go before noun.
  1. I have a big house.
  2. That is a nice bag.
  3. He is a good teacher.
Point 3: You can put adjectives together.

Two adjectives

  1. He is smart and funny.
  2. She is kind and friendly.

Three adjectives

  1. She is tall, strong, and fast.
  2. The test was hard, long, and boring.
Answer the following questions about the interview.

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My name is Todd Beuckens and I am an ESL teacher in Thailand. I created this site to provide teachers and students free audio lessons and learning materials not usually found in commercial textbooks.

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