Past Tense - Be (Was, Were)

Conversation 1
Man: How was the movie?
Woman: It was really good.
Man: Was it scary?
Woman: Yes, it was really scary.
Man: Nice. Was it crowded?
Woman: No, it wasn’t. There weren’t many people there, suprisingly.
Conversation 2
Man: Where were you last night?
Woman: I was at work.
Man: Really? I was at your shop. You weren’t there.
Woman: No, I was in the back working.
Man: You were?
Woman: Really! I was there.
Conversation 3
Man: How was the test?
Woman: It was really hard.
Man: How long was it?
Woman: There were about 20 problems.
Man: Yeah! What was your score?
Woman: Let’s just say, it wasn’t great, but it wasn’t bad either.
Conversation 4
Man: Do you know who was at the party?
Woman: Jason was there. So was Sue.
Man: Were Tom and Katie there?
Woman: No, they weren’t there, but their son was.
Man: Oh, I see. So, was it fun?
Woman: Yeah, it was a fun evening.
Past Tense (Be) - Grammar Notes
- I was late. I was not on time.
- You were right. You were not wrong.
- It was cold. It was not warm.
- He was mad. He was not happy.
- She was early. She was not late.
- They were funny. They were not boring.
- We were busy. We were not idle.
- She wasn't happy.
- It wasn't a fun evening.
- He wasn't a fun teacher.
- You weren't there.
- They weren't hungry.
- We weren't at the game.
- He was mad.
- It was hard to do.
- They were there.
- We were in class.
- Where was he?
- He was outside.
- Was she on time?
- No, she was late.
- I heard something. What was it?
- It was just the wind.