Grammar Crammer - Level 4

Low Intermediate | Free Course Book

ESL students can learn English with lessons featuring audio conversations about grammar points.

1247 Work from Abroad
01 Do for Emphasis
Four people share information with emphasis.

1247 Work from Abroad
02 Causative Verbs
Hear four conversations with causative verbs.

1247 Work from Abroad
03 Used to
Hear four conversations about past actions.

1247 Work from Abroad
04 Would - Past Tense
Hear four talks about routines in the past.

1247 Work from Abroad
05 Should - Suggestions
Listen to suggestions about a city.

1247 Work from Abroad
06 Would like to / Want to
Listen to how people discuss their wishes.

1247 Work from Abroad
07 Present Perfect Experienes
Two people talk about things they have done.

1247 Work from Abroad
08 Have to / Must
Two people talk about obligations.

1247 Work from Abroad
09 Zero Conditionals
Listen to conversations using "if" statements.

1247 Work from Abroad
10 First Conditionals
Hear people make "if" statements.

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